Wednesday 13 April 2011

Evaluation(Questions 5-9).

5: How did you attract/address the audience?
We did this by having a female teenage cast as this would attract teenagers, also because it is a horror teenagers will enjoy it. Having the title sequence set at a girls house were they a having a few drinks and dancing creates a familiar setting for the teenage viewers. The music in the title sequence is modern popular music which would attract teenagers. Also the title of the film ‘Inquisitive’ would attract an older audience as it is quite an interesting title and they might want to know more and what the film is about.

6: What kind of media institution might distribute your media project and why?
The media institute I have researched is Pine Studios, even though they are not just focused on horror films but they do distribute a variety genres. It is a major British Film Company and they have distributed a lot of famous film and worked with famous directors. Also Hammer Film Productions, even though most of their horror films have a main monster eg. Dracula. They do produce psychological films, which is the genre of our film and because they do not produce a lot of psychological they may be interested as it is different to what they normal produce.

7: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing your project?
Using imovie helped us create the title sequence we wanted well as we wanted it to cut from outside to inside the house without looking messy; especially because music would be on inside. With the help of imovie the cuts worked effectively and when we added the music in over the top we could make it silent when we needed it to be. Also we imovie made the music sound like diegetic sound, played in the room rather than sounding like non-diegetic sound. Also using imovie, we could cut the clips precisely which made the film look seemless. 
Garageband let us take clips of instruments or music and put them all together to create a non-diegetic sound, this worked well when outside and toward the end when the film gets creepy.
Blogger helped us by having all our research in one place and it was on the computer so it could not get ruined or deleted easily.

8: Looking back at the preliminary task, what do you feel you learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
We learnt that continuity is a very big part of the film, if one small thing is different in a shot it makes it very confusing for the viewer and also makes it look unprofessional. Also to get actors that will take it seriously and will not laugh all the time, as this will make the film look unprofessional and also take twice as long to film.

9: What was your contribution to the process during the planning, production and post production stages?
Sophie: I did the research on classification of films, a textual analysis on Saw IV and the make up research and design.

Kris: I did titles evaluations, textual analysis on saw I, created the script and drew the story boards.

We did the title research, film outline, shot list together and evaluation of previous students films together. We also completed the Recee Sheet together. We created a pitch together using out research to show others our idea. We also did the preliminary task together showing part of our film. We shared directing and filming on the day of film, so we both got chance to do both.

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